Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Well, I am back! ..... and in the same month!  

I have been super busy!  Too much going on in my life to even share just note to say I could use your prayers!

This past Sunday, February 17th I shared my table with our Church Family!  We had two homemade soups: Vegetable Beef Soup and White Bean and Italian Sausage Soup!  Both were GREAT!  I know because it was all eaten!  We also had wonderful Italian Bread and real butter! Such a wonderful time with the Family of God! Who have you shared your table with?

God's Blessings to you and yours!

Until next time.............

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Well, Hello there! 

It is now the second month of 2019!!!  Wow! 

This year has been really something!  I can't believe that it is almost Valentines Day!  My table has been full a few times lately!  From lunch to  dinner to tea time to just sharing a cup of coffee.  It is always very nice to share my table with family and friends!  

Just after my birthday (January 17) my third son, Jason and his wife, Marielle, came for a visit!  We had Terry's mother and Michael, my grandson with us ... we got Chinese take out from the Great Wall!  Boy, was it good! We sat around the table and ate and talked and enjoyed each others company!  It was a really nice time!

Also, I've had Heather and her family at my table..... their house is being remodeled (well, kind of.... they had mold in the floors), anyway they ate here for a few days----It was fun with the kids around! Lily stayed a couple of nights and had breakfast in the morning.....sharing a Breakfast Table is something special!  We, also, made BIG "kisses" for Valentines Day!

Lee and Crystal have been here for a quick meal while helping Terry do some things and feeding the "little mother" whatever she is craving! (Fried Cornbread and Great Northern Beans)  ..... Can't wait for the new little one to arrive!!!  About a month away.... due date: March 10th! 

Joel and Ayla have been going through some rough spots with her health and I have moved my table to their house!  I have fixed lunches and suppers for them for a week or so!  It has been so nice to share my table with these kids and grandkids! 

I can't share my table with Jeremy and Kristen since they are so far away..... but when we are together we sure have a good time!  I'm planning on going the first of May for a week or so.... Serenity's Birthday is the 4th and she wants a Tea Party!  So we are planning a special Alice in Wonderland Tea Party! Can't wait to get there!

Well, I have not really tried anything new..... just been too busy! But when I do I will share it on here!

Until later.............. Share Your Table with someone!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Wow!  2019

Table Time!

This is the first post in quite a while! ... but certainly not the first of my table sharing in a while!  I share my table with lots of family and friends!  I just haven't posted anything in a while!

So here's to 2019 a year of "Table Time"!   I hope you are doing well this New Year's Day!

Today, I am making a family favorite from the Old Country!  My Grandmother Szeker, a Hungarian, made a wonderful Toltott Kaposzta--Stuffed Cabbage!  She always served it with Homemade Bread and Butter!  That is how I make it also!  It is always a crowd pleaser! I have had some of my children comment as to when we were going to eat! Although, this day I am not making for everyone, only Me, My Husband, and My Mother-in-love! (I hope she likes it)

I will be posting once a week on something I am doing or something I am trying!  Our Table Time is special!  We reconnect with our family and friends when we eat at the Table!  Not the TV tray or coffee table..... but sitting down with someone you love and actually eat and talk about what is happening in your lives! Sharing life with each other! Encouraging each other! Giving of your self to them!
We all need to connect to each other and the Table is the best place!

So this New Year lets make it a date to celebrate Table Time! I will see you back here in a few days!  Enjoy your New Year! May God Bless you abundantly this year!

Image may contain: food

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Well, Hello! I told you I'd be back!

As of right now, I am having Tuesday Tea Time with my Grand-girls! (except one is in Florida)
This past Tuesday was the first of many TTT's!  It was wonderful! We, of course, had Tea, an Orange Spice Herbal Tea!
We had Walnut Cream Cheese Tea Sandwiches, along with
Lebanon Bologna roll ups stuffed with Cream Cheese! 
(I like Cream Cheese--I guess you can see that!)
We also, had Pumpkin Pie Tarts with whipped cream, 
Chocolate Covered Cherries, and Pirouettes
 (chocolate hazelnut filled wafer sticks). 
Everything was so good!

We talked about what they wanted to be when they grew up!
One wanted to be a fashion designer and the other a face painter!
Both needed coloring counsel!  So..... We colored!!! 
We colored beautiful abstract pictures!  
And of course, we talked about girl stuff!

I told them, as I was taking them home, that I was hoping to be able to do it every Tuesday!  You should have heard the shouts of Joy that they gave out! So, I am already planning the menu for next 
Tuesday! ..... and the activity..... maybe a puzzle, or cards, or maybe make a Fairy Garden!  You never know what DD's table will hold!

Monday, July 23, 2018

As this month, July, came in, I decided to start something new! A live it! NOT a diet! A change of how I cook, eat, and live! With it came a lot of information, a LOAD of information! *Still processing it.* I do see somethings that absolutely have to change first. The way I am thinking about what I eat or don't eat is one of those things. When I was a little girl I was told to "clean my plate", as an obedient child, I did what I was told to do. I CLEANED MY PLATE! Now though, I really don't HAVE to clean my plate, but the thinking and the attitude are still there. (I am working on it.)

So, since I have someone keeping me accountable, I have decided to revamp some of my favorite recipes and still eat what I like but more importantly what is good for me. Tonight's dinner was Stuffed Bell Peppers. I used the basic "old" recipe but put better things in it. For example, for the white rice that I usually use, I put Quinoa &

I decided to try something different but not too far out there. I used "Laura's Beef", mushrooms, onions, garlic, and Quinoa & whole grain brown rice, I also had homemade salsa (by Kristen) to put on top. It turned out to be very good and good for me! Only 350 calories for the entire bell pepper.

This week I have been busy sharing my table..............

.... My daughter and son-in-love and my grandchildren

.... My daughter-in-love and my grandchildren

.... My granddaughter, Lily

.... My husband

.... My LORD

I have shared my breakfast table, my lunch table, a snack table, my supper table with those that I love.


In the last couple of weeks, I have been busy sharing my table with ..............

.... My daughter and son-in-love and my grandchildren

.... My son and daughter-in-love
.... My daughter-in-love and my grandchildren
.... My granddaughter, Lily
.... My husband
.... My LORD
I have shared my breakfast table, my lunch table, a snack table, and my supper table with those that I love. The last two weeks, I have shared the Sunday Table with ALL of the Family!!! It has been a wonderful time around the family table! We have shared our lives, our work, our desires, our problems, and our Lord! I am so glad that we have the opportunity to sit down and have time together. If you have the time and even if you don't -- make the time-- to sit with your family and enjoy a meal, talk about "stuff", share your dreams and hopes, give Thanks to our Lord for all of His Blessings on your family!

Sharing my JOY!
